
News about luxuryweaving

23. Feb. 2022


We are pleased that we have once again successfully completed certification to the GOTS standard (Global Organic Textile Standard).
For you as a customer, this means that we produce to the highest standards of environmental and social compatibility in textiles.

For the first time, we are also “IVN-BEST” certified. This quality mark, which is mainly known in Europe, is currently the standard with the highest requirements for textile sustainability and shows the maximum level that can be achieved at the moment.

1. Apr. 2020

Aufgrund der Dringlichkeit

Haben wir in den letzten Wochen einen “Niesschutz / Hustenschutz / Hauchschutz” aus kontrolliert biologischer Baumwolle entwickelt.
Man sich mit unserem Produkt nicht selbst vor einer Infektion schützen, aber man kann durch das Tragen seinen Nächsten schützen. Weitere Details finden Sie in der Produktbeschreibung.

1. Jan. 2019

GOTS recertification

We are pleased that we have once again successfully completed certification to the GOTS standard (Global Organic Textile Standard).
For you as a customer, this means that we produce to the highest standards of environmental and social compatibility in textiles.

30. Nov. 2018

Press Release

All important information about the company and its products can be found in our new press kit. Just download here (german language only).

15. Jan. 2017

Fashioned from the finest materials

and natural fibres, and with innovative designs, our exceptionally and irresistibly brilliant creations bring us daily motivation. These special pillows with applications prove we are wholly bound by tradition, yet we inspire and amaze time and time again with innovative ideas and the power of imagination.

15. Sep. 2017

Innovative Development Hemp Terry

For us, luxury means that we are only satisfied with the best, and so the new hemp terry has now been developed.

15. Dec. 2016

Luxury Weaving GmbH is certified for GOTS

The quality label „GOTS“ can only be used for products that meet strict produc­tion requi­re­ments which are independently verified and applied throug­hout the entire produc­tion chain.  For more details click the logo.